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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Seminario

Antisemitism and the Politics of Anger in the Philosophy of Political Ideas and of Social Sciences

Date 23.10.2018 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italy

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Antisemitism and the Politics of Anger in the Philosophy of Political Ideas and of Social Sciences

Prof. Uffa Jensen (Center for Research on Antisemitism – TU Berlin)

First Session – Monday 22, afternoon 5-7.30 pm aula 6

Prof. Barbara Henry: Introduction

  1. The Emotional Politics in the Contemporary World
  2. The Past and the Present of European Antisemitism I

Second Session – Tuesday 23, morning 10-12.30 am aula 6:

  1. The Past and the Present of European Antisemitism II
  2. The Study of Aversive Emotions in Phenomenology: Classical Approaches I

Tuesday 23, afternoon 4.30-6.30 pm aula 6:

Seminar on “Socialism of Fools” and “Zornpolitik” with Prof. Michele Battini

Third Session – Wednesday 24, afternoon 3-6 pm aula 2 Palazzo Toscanelli:

  1. The Study of Aversive Emotions in Critical Theory: Classical Approaches II
  2. The Study of Political Emotions: Contemporary Approaches